Well it all starts in February 2011 when broke me the screen of the phone that I had and as had more than two a?os without changing mobile so no ten?a no permanence. The case is that we arrived my wife and I, since we have two lines, to make a new contract with new terminal. We are going to the store and with the points that we had and 29 euros per terminal, they give us the samsung s5620 mobile, we signed our contract of 18 months of permanence and point.A month ago we called Orange us we had some discounts of up to 70% on new handsets to us by the shop and preguntaramos pasaramos. We spent and surprise. The employee who hab?a all?, that was not the same as us atendi? in the month of febre, tells us that a terminal is 19 months of permanence and the other expires on August 5. We extra?amos you digimos that not that could not be as we renew both at the same time. It then tells us it is that as my wife lacked points then gave my points and that forces me to my have another 18 months more. I tell him that my anyone I hab?a explained that that if that had told us that he had only changed my phone which was which was broken.
Given all this and very pissed, look at the contract and ah? does not specify 36 months or anything at all. We call atenci?n customer and explained us the same thing in the store and we will return to say the same thing. Then ask to ten?a how much to pay if I went orange and tell us that if we go on Saturday last to 140 euros for the two terminals, but that if we were going from the 5 d?a that only a terminal 70 euros.
I get to Movistar and tell they processed me the portability to get his clients to the d?a August 6.
Today begin to process and that as this weekend of means and that takes a couple of days, I get the message of orange that we call the 2257 that if us doesn't cost 174 euros.
After half an hour talking with a very nice se?orita by true, all telling what I last hab?a and when say you that consultar? with my wife the offer that I have done, once again you ask if I do not accept how much I have to pay for penalizaci?n and tells me to 174 euros. I tell him that this is not true that Saturday I Athens to 70 and she tells me that, that 70s was not impossible are 174 euros. I say that you as the calls recorded est?n that seeks it to hear that ver?s as me Athens 70 euros.
Then I still say not that 70 euros impossible, which are 174 euros. Ya super pissed off tell him that I had returned to enga?ar, first with the of the permamencia and now as of the penalizaci?n and that already I will not enga?ar m?s. I switch to Movistar and that already ver? the way on how to demonstrate that I have enga?ado twice to avoid having to pay for the stay.
As? that this ah? what has happened with Orange after 12 a?os of loyalty with them.
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
An enga�o suffered with orange
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