Hi, yesterday I did two lines portability from vodafone to orange.Two Recib? emails with the order and two sms but have not returned to know nothing. What more I extra?a is that my current compa?ia (robafone) not have called me or anything to make me a counteroffer.
My cu?ada pidi? portability and called it almost at the moment, but to my na na.
You don't want to make a feint because I am because I a little jarto Vodafone, the only thing I est? a little escape that will take both and I would like to know how the portability will.
Thank you
to my happens to me like, I did the 31 day and nobody tells me anything.... and I get an sms saying that the 7 day is portability would and I have still not received the terminal so as you run out of line....
to my happens to me like, I did the 31 day and nobody tells me anything.... and I get an sms saying that the 7 day is portability would and I have still not received the terminal so how I stay without line....You sms saying d?a 7 make the portability, you at least come but to me or that![]()
you at least you reached the sms saying d?a 7 make the portability, but to me or thatman, thinks that what you did yesterday, give them time!
To my it took me a couple of days to send the sms.... and now I have dizzy from one side to the other to know how the State of the portabilidadddddddddd will
Hi, veronica2113,I have reviewed the petici?n and the date for change of operator is August 7, ?c?mo did the application?. Remember that if you did tr?mites to trav?s of a point of sale, you have to pick up a couple of d?as m?vil all? before the portability.
A greeting.
Hi, germanpr,P?same a private message with your personal data (name, surname, identity card and tel?fono n?mero), echo a look at the petici?n and I mention.
Best regards.
Hi, veronica2113,I have reviewed the petici?n and the date for change of operator is August 7, ?c?mo did the application?. Remember that if you did tr?mites to trav?s of a point of sale, you have to pick up a couple of d?as m?vil all? before the portability.
A greeting.
Good afternoonI commented, I enter to page portabilidadesorange and I put my phone and I called, I had a pre-contract and firm.Now calling the 1414 tells me that this portability underway but they made it from a point of sale in Huesca, I live in Las Palmas as well that I do not understand anything, I have certainly not gone to any point of sale.What now? What about my terminal? Do I get it?

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