Hello everyone

My partner and I definitely immigrate from the pa?s, and in few d?as started life and new gigs out of Espa?a. Since we learned it, makes m?s a month we are trying to process low with Orange adsl and tel?fono without any result. All this because up the d?a August 5 we stay a?o.
We have insisted on wanting to leave it resolved to go us quiet, i.e., down from the 5 d?a and hereinafter not charge us m?s... And it is impossible. Today d?a 3 follow neg?ndose to reference n?mero to start the low tr?mites... Or begging se?ores!. And aqu? walk with luggage shipping point and Orange neg?ndose to facilitate downwards, with null empat?a and threats we charge 70 euros fine if they facilitate the blessed n?mero of reference before the 5 d?a. When heard that Orange was the worst in low cuesti?n and hac?an the impossible to prevent it not cre? arriving in both... Shame is little adjective for the modus operandi of this compa??a...

Please, someone who has been in this situaci?n?. You can however send Bureau only fax with copy of DNI without reference?
