Hello. I summarize my case: despu?s m?s 10 a?os in the compa??a with the tel?fono and a pair as a client of ADSL and trouble just in all that time, I called a few months ago to tell me that to be tambi?n m?vil, the rate of ADSL customer is ver? reduced by 10 ?. I accept innocently, but it is despu?s in the invoice, the discount is not so. They say that they got it wrong and the discount was 10%, not 10 ?. And that error... pay me, because to trav?s of a call to the fixed bonus that I offered, made me a contract of stay of an a?o EL QUE NO ME AVISARON ADSL (a bonus that is in?til because I have Flatrate in the m?vil).
In short: they lied to me, I cheated, I was offered something that once accepted are not met and made me a verbal contract of stay that I not warned. An a?o paying 10 ? m?s a month of what me nasal, 120 ? scam.

Ma?Ana enviar? fax asking for the transcripci?n of the conversaci?n to demonstrate enga?o, but while city in qu? compa??a I met?is. With me they have lost a customer (phone and ADSL) by scammers.