Good afternoon.

Until little and from ago a?os've been Orange ADSL customer, but due to an incident that they could not settle until almost a month despu?s and since then a considerable drop in speed for no apparent reason, decid? hire portability with another compa??a.

I explain a little what I pas?: first came intermittent outages in the service of Internet access during a d?as, until suddenly dej? working entirely, either ADSL or fixed tel?fono (lack of sync seg?n service T?cnico). Came t?cnicos a couple of times to House (first one of Movistar and m?s below one of Orange home and other MoviStar in the control unit) and the pareci? problem be fixed past three weeks. That same d?a afternoon volvi? to stop working, up to a week despu?s in which called me coment?ndome that the hab?a problem been solved. Effectively conexi?n to the Internet and the tel?fono worked, but when you were talking about the call was cut, sometimes the tel?fono sounded a tone and was cut or directly communicated without being utiliz?ndolo. The speed of conexi?n was painful, not reaching or 1 MB in the tests. Despu?s repeatedly call the T?cnico service and reaching the conclusi?n that my l?nea could not stand m?s of 3 - 4 MB by magic (before the incidence was sailing at 10 - 12 MB with peaks up to 13 MB), decid? contract with a new operator, although commercial orange that I llam? to offer all benefits so I will not change from compa??a I swore and perjuraba speed was what it was and that no other compa??a I was going to m?s of those 3 - 4 MB because of the pair of copper that came home.

Say that mysteriously the speed as I arrived now with the new compa??a est? is 12 - 14 MB constants. Do ?Habr? been a miracle?... sure that wasn't the incompetence of Orange.

What I'm going, well, it seems that despu?s almost 2 weeks without Orange service but s? with the new compa??a Orange conexi?n todav?a est? studying the decline in my service, according to billing by a non-existent conexi?n. The problem that I find is that no longer can I access the ?rea of customers, so I can not see invoices that I will reach or the previous ones, leaving ?nicamente to disposici?n pay invoices that arrive without complaint or return receipts to the Bank if I do not agree with the approximate c?lculos you can get.

?Alguno know if there is any way to consult invoices if I don't have access to the ?rea of clients or someone in this forum Orange can provide me the informaci?n necessary before paying the Bill which is going to come in a few d?as me?.

Thank you for your atenci?n .

??Ahhhh, a tip for users of this compa??a!. If the service work you without problems, ?felicidades!, but if ten?is any incidence... assemble you patience, I I say this from experience... .