Does scarce two Orange d?as me realiz? the instalaci?n of your ADSL. One of the conditions for the high was that ten?a a period of 7 d?as to be able to give me low if it was not satisfied with the product.Internet going incre?blemente slow. Despu?s do m?ltiples speed test none gives me one result greater than 1 mega low, i.e. a service p?simo. And it is not living in a village lost in the monta?a, I live in the Centre of Madrid.
These circumstances obviously I proceeded to unsubscribe. The big surprise has been that I want to collect 113? + VAT for giving me low, costs of gesti?n and instalaci?n.
Despu?s talk to the OCU I was clear that I've been a scam v?ctima. Of course I'm going to proceed to denounce it, tambi?n in the OMIC in Madrid.
I write this aqu? so people have clear orange scam. Regardless of that publish me this message in the Forum (that I doubt it), of course I'm going to have a good time writing my experience in the different p?ginas of reference of Internet users, opini?n p?ginas in general and social networking.
If tambi?n has been v?ctima of the same scam do not worry, t? have the raz?n. Even if you want to not pay the penalizaci?n. They always threaten to lists of defaulters, but there is so much people ASNEF lists other carriers or v?ctimas of a scam that take it into account.
I found high in the orange ADSL because never had hab?a ning?n problem with them, but seeing my experience this afternoon begin to make portability of the m?viles orange thing in my house.
Hello, jcortes,DoDuring the first 7 d?as any client can be low unless the charge is applied for breach of the obligation to stay.
The 113,90 ? that you mention are charged only for cancelaci?n portability from different to Movistar compa??as and are the costs of installing the new l?nea of tel?fono in the customer's home.
I have not done any portability, it is a high new. ?Por qu? your compa?eros insist on charge me that amount?Do not
I've done no portability, it is a high new. ?Por qu? its compa?eros insist on charge me that amount?Hello, jcortes,If it is a high new not deber?an of charge you this fee, if you want to p?same tel?fono n?mero by private and I can confirm.

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